
类型:剧情  地区:土耳其  更新:1970-01-01



A man goes against the l aws of God and man   to help a friend, w ith un fortun ate  conse quences, in th is stylis h drama from T urkish  filmmaker Dervis Zaim. The story begins w i th a b rief prologue set in the th  Cen tury , in   which  a calligr apher is  comple ting a copy of  the Kora n  a nd h is assistant is  s en t out for  i nk so   h e  c an  c omplete  t he project befo  re an invadin g M on go l ar my att   acks.  Mo v ing fo rw ard  into  the 2st Centu ry ,  Selim  Hodja  (S erhat Ki lic)  is a   de scendent of the fam ily that commissione  d the  Kor an we saw in the preface. Se lim  h as fal len on h ard  times  and   he w ants to sell the rare holy book, a nd h e t urns to Ahmet   (Mehme t Ali Nu r o gl  u)  ,  an artis t  a nd calligra pher w h o has j  u st finishe d a stretch i n prison, for he lp in      fi nding a buyer . Not willing to negotiate  the black ma rk et for rel igious artifacts b  y himself, A hme t turns  t o Cengiz (Mustafa Uzunyilma z), a  f eared man  in local or  ganized c rime circle s, who say s h e can  he lp    t hem find   a  g oo d  pr i ce fo  r the ra   re  Kor a n. Howev er ,   as Selim an d Ahme t work  mor  e closely with  C engiz and his underlin gs, th  e     y' r  e   dra wn dee per into  a we  b o f cr iminal be  havior t hat                          they  ca n '                      t    8417 easily escape. Nokta (aka Dot) received its North American premiere at the 2008 Toronto World Film Festival.


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