
类型:泰剧  地区:泰国  更新:1970-01-01


Praomook works a t a nightclub to earn money and pay a debt. S he  doesn't get along   with Chalunthorn because  he misunder stood her , thin ki ng she's  a  bad girl. On  e d ay , his paren ts ask  Praomook to mar ry Chalunthor n to remove  the ba  d l uck f  rom  h im . Sh e accept s  the p ropo sal j  ust t o get bac k at him . He  pretends t  o be g a y t o  avo id her but s  h e  doesn't b el ieve it. T h ey will eventuall y star t f allin g  for each o the r, but there are  obst r uctions to  their love . Tr eenu tch, Cha lunthorn's e x want s rev enge whi l e tryin g to  ge t   Chaluntho rn back . Th ere' s  a ls o  Mait hong, t he r ival of Pra omook's  f amily and Ch alu nth  orn 's  fling.


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